I. Havøygavlen, Blade break down 2008
Wind EnergySource: Finnmark Kraft, CEO Egon Leonhardsen
This was the blade break down in winter 2008, lead ingto investigations. Extreme gusts, control system not working perfect in such circumstances as well as probably a weak point. 16 Nordex N80…
II. Havøygavlen Wind Park
Wind EnergySource: Finnmark Kraft, CEO Egon Leonhardsen
Project manager (2007-2012) and specialist (until 2014).
"Roadmap to fix Havøygavlen"
Testing a new Siemens Wind Power 3 MW direct drive turbine - for offshore growth
III. Sheringham Shoal, Statoil
Wind EnergySource: Scira, Sheringham Shoal.
Sheringham Shoal. 88 Siemens Wind Power 3.6 MW outside Norfolk in England.
Participated within the project at an early stage, until Hywind as the first mover in Statoil was taking most attention.
IV. Havøygavlen Wind Farm
Wind EnergySource: Jone Torsvik, Statoil. From top of the direct drive test turbine on Havøygaavlen in Finnmark in Nortg Norway- an excellent full scale test laboratory
Havøygavlen; In arctic climate at the shoreline of the Barents Sea and the North…