5. Visund, Statoil
Oil and GasSource: TU, Visund platform
Technical dicipline responsible rotating machinery.
Project work related to redesign of new turbine control system and recommissioning of 6th stage compressor turbine (GE Nuovo Pignone).
6. Norsk Hydro - Troll C
Oil and GasSource: Troll C Øyvind Hagen, Statoil
Technical responsible rotating machinery, Troll C and Troll B (Norsk Hydro). Here from Troll C which I knew very well at that time.
Main activities, to list some installations I have been involved…
7. Norsk Hydro-Njord A
Oil and GasSource: Njord A platform. Wikimedia
Key activities before 2007, Norsk Hydro:
Modification projects, green- and brownfield projects, engineering, commissioning, operation & maintenance; performance monitoring, condition monitoring,…
8. Norsk Hydro - Ormen Lange
Oil and GasSource: Ormen Lange, Nyhamna, Oljedirektoratet.
Green field project, engineering within mechanical and rotating equipment until DG2.